From Volleyball Camp to Volleyball Court!

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I have a very determined 12 year old and she knew she wanted to try out for volleyball this year at school. This summer we were given the opportunity to attend Premier All Star Volleyball Camp and she was excited! This camp was an all day camp for a week. She was taught tons of skills, varying from passing, hitting, setting to serving. They also talked about sportsmanship, eating right, stretching, sleeping, and other important issues for athletes. Before this camp, she had never touched a volleyball before. She progressed a ton and grew as a player!

Pro Mom Tip: Sign your kiddo up for camp as quick as it’s open… it fills ups QUICKLY!

Emma is not my most athletic child, and she knows it. Hard work and determination really paid off though and she learned some skills that earned her a spot on her middle school volleyball team! It was no surprise to me that she made the team and is enjoying time on the court with her friends. I love watching her play a team sport and have fun doing it. She is my “girly-girl” and this was outside of her comfort level. Because she went to this camp and gained confidence, she now will go on to try out for soccer after volleyball season is over!

You can read more about Premier All Star camps from my previous post here!

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