Christmas Gift Idea: Leap into Fun with LeapTV #MommyParties #LeapTV

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Thanks to BSMMedia and Leapfrog, we were sent a LeapTV to test out. All opinions are ours and are honest.

leapTV Collage

I am so excited about sharing this fun Christmas gift idea with you! I actually think it’s one of the hottest toys this Holiday season! We were sent a Leapfrog LeapTV to enjoy with some friends! My girls were so excited to plan out LeapTV party! We invited 10 kiddos and 8 showed!


At the LeapTV party we hopped into the kitchen for a quick snack, then off to get our dance on! The boys were quick to try out the LeapTV Sports game. This game has 8 different sports games included. The focus in this game is mathematics! I love that LeapTV is not just mind numbing time passing games. Instead it challenges them to grow their brains and learn patterns, shapes, addition and subtraction. Moms no longer have to feel guilty about letting their kids play a gaming system!

The girls were really excited about playing the Dance and Learn game. It was super cute watching them play the freeze dance game. This dance game helps them sharpen their reading skills, specifically vocabulary, phonics, alphabet, and compound words.


LeapTV is such an awesome gift idea for Christmas this year because it teaches core skills in the following subjects: reading, mathematics, science and problem solving. This system is designed with kids ages 3-8 in mind, and the system uses a motion-sensing camera and controller that fits small hands.

You can find LeapTV in several differing retailers, and of course online at Be sure to like LeapFrog, and MommyParties on Facebook! You can follow @LeapFrog on Twitter.

Fun with #LeapTV #MommyParties

A video posted by MyCRAZYSavings (@courtneysolstad) on

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