So I have now seen Toy Story 4 twice…The first time I saw it, it was a prescreening. It took me a few days to process all that I had seen. I had decided that I was good with the finality of Toy Story 3 and wasn’t really prepared for another Toy Story…or what could be another chapter to my favorite childhood characters lives. I sat and watched and took it all in…and I laughed and cried…and had so many thoughts… so… many… thoughts.
I won’t spoil the movie for those who haven’t seen it yet, but I will say that I felt so conflicted over it. If given the choice to see it again, I would. I mean, I have seen it twice already. I looked for “easter eggs” all through the second movie…and came up short. This was not expected as the first few Toy Story movies had so many…perhaps I missed them. There were some great surprises though. I loved seeing a child with a cochlear implant featured in the movie. How awesome and inclusive… and needed!
The ending is what got me… it’s so so so very final. I don’t see any way for another movie. That’s hard to accept…but to be honest, I never saw this movie coming either.
If you are planning to take a younger child to see this one, watch out for the Antique Store scene… there is a creepy scene in there… a few actually.
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