Recipe: Mimolette Mac and Cheese

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I was recently challenged to try Cheese from France and make a recipe! I am not famuliar with many cheeses that are special cut at the deli…but I am now challenged to try some new ones after trying Mimolette! It was so yummy and my kids described it as “a little like parmesan!” I agree that it’s a harder cheese…and SOO tasty! I found it at Whole Foods!

Mimolette is popular throughout France among cheese novices and connoisseurs alike. This is considered a good “starter cheese” for those (like me) who are not terribly familiar with French cheeses.


  • 2 cups pasta
  • 0.15 lb of Mimolette cheese, chopped or grated
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 4 TBSP of butter

Cook pasta, drain, mix in cheese, butter, and last milk until creamy. I added some left over cheese on top for extra flavor!

My kids enjoyed it…but to be honest…I think if I make it again soon, I will not tell them and I will enjoy it for myself! Felt so gourmet!

Head over and like this Facebook Page for more info about cheese from France!

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