Recipe: Chocolate Mocha Protein Shake

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For a few weeks now I have been trying to beef up my protein intake and have been replacing my breakfast with a Chocolate Premier Protein Shake. They are yummy but I was missing out on my caffeine and to be completely honest, they are really thick! I was looking for a way to improve these things and decided to play around with some ideas and came up with the following recipe for a Chocolate Mocha Protein Shake! I love this because I still get my protein and I also get my morning caffeine, without the added sugar!


  • 1 Chilled Chocolate Premier Protein Shake
  • 1 Cup Chilled Coffee
  • 1.5 cup ice

Blend these three to your liking, stir and enjoy.

It was really this easy! When I make this next time, I might try a little more ice and see if I can get the consistency a little more frapp-like as this was more ice-coffee like. I love that it was thinner to drink…as I enjoyed it thru a straw. With temps over 100 here in TX. I would love to find a way to enjoy this in the afternoon as well! I might actually try to just freeze the coffee as ice cubes and make it that way, so there is no added liquid at all! I’ll let you know how that turns out! Super excited about the possibilities of this as flavored coffees can really add a lot to my mornings without changing my calorie counts!

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  1. Cindy Merrill says

    I don’t feel hungry for breakfast most mornings- I make a smoothie every morning from scratch but this recipe sounds quicker. This comment is to count for the PieFive Giveaway.

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