Healthy Snack Idea that Kids love

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I don’t know about you but I find myself in a rut when it comes to snacks! My kids are pretty good about only wanting one snack a day which should make it easy for me…but it doesn’t! I have a hard time getting them to eat fruit as a snack because they aren’t fast snackers! If I give them apples and peanut butter, the apples start to turn brown and they no longer want them…

Well that used to be the case! Not anymore! We were recently introduced to Opals! The Opal Apple, grown exclusively in Washington State and available at Whole Foods, Walmart, and Trader Joe’s. (I found some at Sprouts too!) The Opal apple doesn’t brown like other apples! You can cut it and put it in their lunches…and it would stay pretty for them!

The flavor of the Opal is more on the sweet side then the sour. I have 4 kiddos and two are very specific about what they like in an apple. One only likes “green” and the other only likes “red.” I asked them to try it and they both liked it a lot! I think we have found our new favorite…and yea for only buying ONE type!

Shhhh, don’t tell the that I am now cutting it up and fixing their snack at lunch time, so it’s only less thing to do after school! <3



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