Getting Teens to Brush their Teeth Better

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I have two teenagers and a tween. The middle school years have proven to be tough on personal hygiene in our house. Somewhere between 4-7th grade my girls have a strong dislike for being told to brush their teeth, hair or shower. It’s rough. I am normally all about natural consequences as a means to teach them to do better, but I just can’t with their teeth. After having paid for braces for each of them, I am well invested in those (not so) pearly whites.

I decided to let them see for themselves instead of me being “mean mom” asking all of the time. I bought these disclosing tablets… and look at the results! It worked. They could see all of the areas that they missed and best of all, I didn’t have to say a word! (The bottom picture is with the tab in her mouth, the top is after she brushed again)

I plan to have them use these a few times a week until they do a better job as a whole. You can order these on Amazon for just $15.99!

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