More Elf on the Shelf Ideas!

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Okay, this has been so much fun! I am seeing TONS of my friends post pictures on Facebook of their elfs and the fun they are having! If you are looking for ideas for your Elf on the Shelf, then here is another list of fun ideas:

1.) Put Elf on Barbie Horse, or in Barbie Jeep

2.) Have Elf play dress up with Barbie clothes!

3.) Have Elf tied to helium balloon floating around your house.

4.) Have Elf tied to rocket, with tons of toy soldiers around him.

5.) Have Elf hanging out inside Toilet paper roll in bathroom

6.) Dress Elf up like a snowman (stuffed sock and rubber bands work great)

7.) Stuff stocking full of candy and have Elf’s feet sticking out of top of stocking with candy wrappers on the ground

8.) Have Elf hug the star on top of the Christmas Tree

9.) Place Elf in Oven and tell kids you can’t cook because Elf won’t let you (dine out that night!)

10.) Put Elf in front loader washing machine (taped to door, staring out!)

11.) Attach Elf to Car antenna

12.) Place Elf on counter with a recipe for your childs favorite cookie and a note asking that you and your child make him some cookies

13.) Have Elf playing with playdoh, cutting out ginger bread man

14.) Have Elf reclined with remote in hand and TV playing a cartoon or DVD that the kids love

15.) Put Elf in a in kids lunch box, and tell your kids since you are not allowed to touch them that you will have to bring them lunch!

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  1. Wendy Peterson says

    I Put Toothpaste all over the sink and Buddy (Elf) Sitting on the faucet with a toothbrush in his hand

  2. Kathy Caufield says

    Wrap open toilet seat with plastic cling wrap, put tiny hole in center, drop in a few tootsie rolls, place elf sitting on top of hole. Kids will find it hilarious that their elf had to potty!!


  1. […] I did a post today with 15 more Elf on the Shelf Ideas! (My fav is the Elf hanging from a helium balloon, bobbing around the house hanging on […]

  2. […] Source: […]

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